Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
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Open Data and Information on Climate Change and Adapted Land Management in Southern Africa

Climate Sir Seretse Khama intl.

Map Map

Dataset Title Climate Sir Seretse Khama intl. ?
Dataset Description Global Surface Summary of the Day is a product produced by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), and is derived from the synoptic/hourly observations contained in the Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) dataset (DSI-3505). The latest daily summary data are normally available 1-2 days after the date-time of the observations used in the daily summaries, and over 9000 worldwide stations' data are available. Daily elements (as available) include mean values of temperature, dew point, sea level and station pressures, visibility, and wind speed plus maximum sustained wind speed and/or wind gusts, maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation amounts, snow depth, and indicators for occurrences of various weather elements. ?
Citation ?
TS Information
Kind measured (raw data) ?
Reliability Status working ?
Processing GSOD Import Sir Seretse Khama intl. ?
Start 1985-01-02 ?
End 2025-03-03 ?
Value for Missing Data 9999.9 ?
Time Step daily ?
Dataset Responsible Organisation or Datatset Contact Person WMO - World Meterological Organisation ?
Distributor (Organisation) or Distributor (Person) NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) ?
Dataset Use Limitation WMO Resolution 40: NOAA Policy ( ?
Station Details
Name Sir Seretse Khama Airport ?
Type climate station (WMO) ?
Identifier WMO/DATSAV3:682400 ?
Station Description Temperature ?
River System Okavango ?
Easting/x/Longitude 25.918 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -24.555 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Elevation (m) 975 ?
Country Botswana ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2014-08-12 ?
Internal identifier sdp_ts_timeseries_2657 (Link)