1.Continuous soil moisture measurements recorded at several depths for several sites in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin
2.Video: Lateral inflow into well at Omusati region
3.Calibrated Hydrus1D Model for Eastern Sand Zone Site
4.In-situ unsaturated zone stable water isotope (2H and 18O) measurements in semi-arid environments using tunable off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy
5.Quantitative studies along the soil – vegetation – atmosphere interface of water – limited environments: practice-oriented approaches based on stable water isotopes, modeling and multivariate analysis (PhD thesis)
6.Recharge estimation in a (semi-) arid environment using soil water balance, stable isotopes and modeling approaches (PhD thesis)
7.Modelling the response of stable isotope fractionation in soil water profiles with uncertainty (Master thesis)
8.Intercomparison of laboratory techniques for determination of stable isotopes in soil water. University of Darmstadt (Master thesis)
9.Indirect groundwater recharge in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (CEB), Namibia. Investigating the importance of Oshanas, Deflation Pans and Ephemeral River Beds. (Master thesis)
10.Correction of GRACE data for the influence of surface water, soil and vegetation moisture. A case study on the quantification of groundwater recharge rates in the Cuvelai-Etosha-Basin (CEB), Namibia. (Master thesis)
11.Direct groundwater recharge in Cuvelai-Etosha-Basin (CEB), Namibia. The use of DAISY for modelling unsaturated zone water movement in a semiarid climate. (Master thesis)
12.A Deuterium-based labeling technique for the investigation of rooting depths, water uptake dynamics and unsaturated zone water transport in semiarid environments
13.Deuterium labeling for the estimation of annual groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions
14.Rainfall characteristics and their implications for groundwater recharge in deep vadose zones. A case study in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (CEB), Namibia. (Master thesis)
15.Mineral mediated isotope fractionation of soil water
16.Soil hydraulic properties for several sites in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin
17.Review on soil water isotope-based groundwater recharge estimations
18.Isotope Hydrology for estimating groundwater recharge in water-limited environments: potential and limits (Isotopenhydrologische Methoden (2H, 18O) zur Bestimmung der Grundwasserneubildung in Trockengebieten: Potenzial und Grenzen)
19.Inverse modeling and uncertainty analysis of potential groundwater recharge to the confined semi-fossil Ohangwena II Aquifer, Namibia
20.Deep, semi-fossil aquifers in southern Africa: A synthesis of hydrogeological investigations in northern Namibia (SASSCAL Book, Biodiversity & Ecology 6)