Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
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Open Data and Information on Climate Change and Adapted Land Management in Southern Africa

Areas suitable for cattle farming, sheep farming and maize production according to rainfall isohyet

Dataset Title Areas suitable for cattle farming, sheep farming and maize production according to rainfall isohyet ?
Abstract Much of southern Africa relies on rainfed agriculture. In 2005, FAOSTAT estimated that 95 % of all farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is rainfed (Wani et al 2009). The average annual rainfall consequently greatly influences and dictates the areas suitable for specific rainfed agriculture. In this line, maize is a staple annual crop for most southern Africa and requires an average annual rainfall of between 500 to 800 mm (FAO 1986), depending on the specific climate of the farmland. Whilst maize is, amongst others, grown under rainfed agriculture in the north-eastern parts of Namibia, south-eastern parts of Angola, southern parts of Zambia and western part of Zimbabwe, for primarily subsistence farming, the maps on the first page, derived by CHIRPS 2.0 precipitation data (Funk et al 2025), suggest that the rainfall in the past two years has not been sufficient for this. Cattle farming is of cultural and economic significance to many cultures of southern Africa and relies on rainfed grazing. The 300 mm rainfall isohyet separates the minimum suitability of land for cattle farming, with lower rainfall deemed more appropriate for sheep farming (Coetzee & Werger 1975). While the maps suggest that in 2020/21 and 2021/22, the potential area suitable for cattle farming increased in parts of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, the maps show that there was a drastic increase in the suitable area in the past two rainfall years. In 2022/23, almost none of Namibia’s land area received the suitable rainfall, while in 2023/24, most of Namibia and Botswana didn’t receive the suitable rainfall. ?
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere ?
Data Quality
Lineage Statement The annual average rainfall was derived from monthly CHIRPS 2.0 precipitation data (Funk et al 2025) from 1981 to 2024. From this, the rainfall isohyet at 300 mm was derived for the historical record, and the last four rainfall years, starting 2020/21 and ending 2023/24. Moreover, the areas, according to just rainfall, for maize production, were derived for rainfall between 500 and 800 mm. ?
Dataset Description
Dataset Contact Person or Dataset Contact Organisation SASSCAL - Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management ?
Dataset Date Type publication ?
Dataset Reference Date 2024-12-02 ?
Dataset Language English ?
Dataset Character Set utf7 ?
Dataset Online Linkage ?
Dataset Format Shape ?
Dataset Scope dataset ?
Dataset Status completed ?
Geographic Location
Description Southern Africa ?
Geographic Description Southern Africa ?
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Representation Type vector ?
Equivalent Scale -1 ?
Coordinate System
EPSG WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Temporal Extent
Begin 1981-01-01 ?
End 2024-09-30 ?
Additional Extent Information
Vertical Datum WGS84 ?
Metadata Contact Person Thompson, Sylvia ?
Metadata Language English ?
Metadata Character Set utf8 ?
Metadata Standard Name ISO/DIS 19115 for Geographic information-Metadata /RBIS ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2025-02-03 ?
Internal identifier sdp_geodata_7484 (Link)