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Influência da quitosana em alguns parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos da cultura do milho (Zea mayz L.) nas condições edafoclimáticas da Fazenda Experimental de Ngongoinga

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Title Influência da quitosana em alguns parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos da cultura do milho (Zea mayz L.) nas condições edafoclimáticas da Fazenda Experimental de Ngongoinga ?
Author António Alfredo Sauongo ?
Abstract On this work was unwrapped in the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, sits not Ngongoinga between the months of ......... as part of one gives tasks I project SASSCAL Task 144. The variety of corn Is was ... ... which has a lot of productivity and oil from the Angolans. Or method of sowing was or traded Where two were seeded by covillains, during the same one was realized a bottom fertilization using the complete formula 12-24-12 coming from the marketer FERTIANGOLA. Or treatment employed was either biostimulant chitosan at the rate of 10ml / L for 25 plants with a control or which applied only water. The measurements were unwrapped in three different periods at 30, 60 and 90 days after twinning at sowing. The variable morphological studied was (height gives plants, thickness dou stem, number of leaflets). As well as the productive variables such as number of massarocas by plants, number of grain lines by massarocas and weight of 100 grains. A variation analysis was carried out, comparing to the averages two parameters evaluated by means of a dou Duncan test for a level Of 5% probability with or using the statistical program SPSS versam 23. The best results give variables of morphological and yield to the 90 days where it was used or biostimulant chitosan (10ml / L). The number of leaflets 37.5, number of massarocas per plants 36.6, number of grain outlines by massarocas 13, weight of 100 grains 433.4 and the yield 10.8 t.ha-1. It is demonstrated that the foliar use of the bioestimulnate chitosan favors a Greater diversion of photosynthates to the organs on which the vital performance of the vegetable depends, producing plants saos, allowing the obtaining of a high yield of massarocas Of better quality corn. ?
Citation Sauongo, A. F. (2015). Influência da quitosana em alguns parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos da cultura do milho (Zea mayz L.) nas condições edafoclimáticas da Fazenda Experimental de Ngongoinga. Monografia em Engenharia Agronómica. Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias da UJES. Tarefa de Investigação do SASSCAL nº 144: Chianga. ?
Document Reference Date Type creation ?
Date 2017-07-31 ?
Language Portuguese ?
Online Linkage ?
Subproject 144 The Effect of Climate Variations on Sowing Date of Principal Food Crops in Angola ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Geographic Location
Study site Ngongoinga ?
Easting/x/Longitude 15.3606 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -12.3997 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Geographic Description Angola ?
Metadata Contact Person Almeida, Fortunato ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2017-12-04 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_2985 (Link)