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Cryptic diversity in treefrogs (Leptopelis) of the Angolan escarpment – fitting the pieces together

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Title Cryptic diversity in treefrogs (Leptopelis) of the Angolan escarpment – fitting the pieces together ?
Author Ninda Baptista; Pedro Vaz Pinto; Raffael Ernst; Nuno Ferrand; William R. Branch ?
Abstract The Angolan escarpment is located between the coastal plain and the central plateau, extends from the north to the south of the country, and receives frequent moisture from coastal winds. Differences in aspect, altitude, and distance from the coast generate gradients in rainfall and temperature along the escarpment that affect the structure and composition of the associated forests and woodlands, that often occur as isolated patches. The escarpment forests occur in two main blocks, north and south of the Kwanza River. These are centres for speciation and contain high endemism for birds and plants in the country. The treefrogs (Leptopelis) are habitat specialists, with many species restricted to forested habitats. They are therefore expected to display similar patterns of speciation to birds and plants in the forest blocks. However, Angola has a poorly-known herpetofauna and currently six species of treefrogs are listed for the country (excluding Cabinda), although species delineation for some requires reevaluation. Two species, Leptopelis marginatus (Bocage, 1895) and Leptopelis jordani Parker 1936, are endemic to the escarpment, and remain known only from the type specimens. Herpetological surveys of these forest blocks are in progress. An integrated taxonomy approach is being applied, utilizing morphology, genetics, advertisement calls, and habitat association to assess tree frog speciation. A number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) have been identified, indicating cryptic diversity in the genus associated with this habitat. Other unexpected herpetological discoveries indicate further potential cryptic diversity in the amphibians and reptiles inhabiting this region. They highlight the urgent need to effectively protect these singular and endangered habitats that are not currently afforded formal national protected status. ?
Citation Baptista, N.; Pinto, P. V.; Ernst, R.; Ferrand, N.; Branch, W. R. (2017). Cryptic diversity in treefrogs (Leptopelis) of the Angolan escarpment – fitting the pieces together. Scientific poster of SASSCAL Research Projects 209 and 210. ISCED-Huila: Lubango. ?
Document Reference Date Type creation ?
Date 2017-07-13 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Subproject 209 Animal biodiversity and conservation – Inventories, monitoring and assessments ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Geographic Location
Study site Angolan escarpment ?
Easting/x/Longitude 17.873887 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -11.202692 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Geographic Description Angola ?
Metadata Contact Person Lages, Fernanda, Dr ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2017-12-12 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_3066 (Link)