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Análise de dados ecológicos: Teste t ANOVA

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Title Análise de dados ecológicos: Teste t ANOVA ?
Author J. Paulo Sousa ?
Abstract This course on Ecological data analysis in particular ANOVA test presents the following topics: 1. Review of basic concepts in biostatistics (hypothesis testing for one or two populations; analysis of variance and experimental design; simple linear regression and correlation); 2. Multiple linear regression (exploitation of data; assessment of collinearity between explanatory variables; interaction between explanatory variables; interpretation of results); 3. Generalized Linear Models (GLM-Poisson and GLM-Logistic); 4. Multivariate Analysis (basic principles of multivariate analysis; evaluation of the underlying structure of the data: PCA, CA, NMDS, PCoA; assessment of differences between groups of data / treatments: ANOSIM, CDA; evaluation of the relationship between response variables and explanatory / environmental: RDA, CCA, dbRDA; evaluation of treatment effects over time: Curves Main Response - PRC; assessment of the relevance of different groups of variables; explanations: variability partitioning. ?
Citation Sousa, J. P. (2016). Análise de dados ecológicos: Teste t ANOVA. Laboratório de ecologia de solo, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) e ISCED Huila (Angola). Task 301 from SASSCAL: Lubango, Março 2016. ?
Document Reference Date Type creation ?
Date 2016-03-08 ?
Language Portuguese ?
Online Linkage ?
Associated project SASSCAL (Phase 1) ?
Subproject 301 Education and training for evaluation, monitoring and management of biodiversity ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Geographic Location
Study site Lubango ?
Easting/x/Longitude 13.5321234 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -14.9186136 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Geographic Description Angola ?
Metadata Contact Person Lages, Fernanda, Dr ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2018-02-27 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_5718 (Link)