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Some new records of Fruit and Flower Chafers and Darkling beetles for Angola (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae and Tenebrionidae)

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Title Some new records of Fruit and Flower Chafers and Darkling beetles for Angola (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae and Tenebrionidae) ?
Author Artur R. M. Serrano; Rúben A. Capela; Santos, C. V. ?
Abstract This is a brief summary that consists of a book of abstracts of the XVIIC Congress of Entomology. The study of part of this material resulted in the identification of several species of the families Cetoniidae and Tenebrionidae, somo of them representing genera amd species previously unknown from Angola. ?
Citation Artur R. M. Serrano; Rúben A. Capela; Santos, C. V. (2016). Some new records of Fruit and Flower Chafers and Darkling beetles for Angola (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae and Tenebrionidae). XVIICongresso de Entomologia. Lisboa: LNEC, 5-8 setembro 2016. ?
Document Reference Date Type publication ?
Date 2016-09-05 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Associated project SASSCAL (Phase 1) ?
Subproject 208 Inventory of inshore and freshwater invertebrates and small vertebrates ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Category other ?
Geographic Location
Study site Angola ?
Easting/x/Longitude 17.873887 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -11.202692 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Geographic Description Angola ?
Metadata Contact Person Vandunen dos Santos, Carmen, Dr ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2018-03-13 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_5744 (Link)