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The effects of wildfire frequency on Busanga flood plain vegetation with specific emphasis on termitaria and open flooded grassland (Master thesis)

Map Map

Title The effects of wildfire frequency on Busanga flood plain vegetation with specific emphasis on termitaria and open flooded grassland (Master thesis) ?
Author Ng'andu Lackson ?
Abstract The study aimed at investigating the effects of wildfire frequency on two vegetation communities of Busanga Flood Plain. On termitaria woodland the study looked at the effects of wildfire frequency on species composition and structure while on open grassland the study focused on the effects of wildfire frequency on range condition. The study used fire map generated by DNPW GIS head office using fire occurring points accessed from MODIS facilities. In both vegetation, GPS was used to navigate to selected burnt and unburnt sites. The study adopted systematic sampling design to increase area coverage. A total of 18 plots (30m x30m) in termitaria woodland investigated and were tree height, DBH and crown cover were measured while 30 x 1m2 plots were investigated on open grassland where grass species were identified, counted and classified into their respective ecological status. From termitaria woodland a total of 65 plant species were recorded on both sites. 25 were common while 30 species were absent from burnt sites. The results show significant differences (P < 0.05) in species diversity between 2 sites indicating high species diversity in unburnt site than burnt site. Furthermore, the results show high species richness in unburnt site (19.48) than burnt site (7.14). With regard to open grassland a total of 32 grass species were recorded out of which 10 were common in both sites, 14 were absent from unburnt while 8 were absent from burnt site. The results further show 75% of grass species in increaser category II and high density values of E. inamoana and sedges in burnt site than in unburnt site. ?
Document Reference Date Type creation ?
Date 2016-12-31 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Associated project SASSCAL (Phase 1) ?
Subproject 189 Biodiversity monitoring and assessment programme for the Busanga Swamps, Zambia ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Category thesis ?
Metadata Contact Person Simukonda, Chuma ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2019-10-02 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_6632 (Link)