Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
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Propagation of Indigenous Species: The effects of various Seed Pre treatments to Improve Germination in Strychnos cocculoides (Monkey orange) and Guibourtia coleosperma (False mopanne) from Kavango West Region, Namibia. (Bachelor Honors thesis)

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Title Propagation of Indigenous Species: The effects of various Seed Pre treatments to Improve Germination in Strychnos cocculoides (Monkey orange) and Guibourtia coleosperma (False mopanne) from Kavango West Region, Namibia. (Bachelor Honors thesis) ?
Author Hleni T N Heita ?
Abstract Strychnos cocculoides (Monkey orange) and Guibourtia coleosperma (False mopane) are socio-economic important indigenous species found in the Northern regions of Namibia. The impact of six seed pre-treatments (cold water, warm water, hot water, scarification and 32% Hydrochloric Acid) on seed germination were investigated for both species. Seed viability was assessed with two treatment methods (Tetrazolium and Ragdoll). Overall average germination results indicated highly significant difference between the six pre-treatments. The germination percentage ranged from 0% for S. cocculoides seeds soaked in HCl to 83% for G. coleosperma seeds soaked in warm water. High and low average germination percentage in G. coleosperma and S. cocculoides were observed on seeds treated with warm water (51%), (30%), HCl (37%), and (0%) respectively. Water soaking was the most efficient pre-treatments for all the species while Hydrochloric Acid was less effective pre-treatments to both the species. Pre-treatment of S. cocculoides and G. coleosperma seed is recommended to improve germination as they help to break dormancy and initiate germination in the species. It is recommended that for future studies, indigenous germination response on different temperature and light intensity need to be investigated. ?
Document Reference Date Type creation ?
Date 2015-12-31 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Associated project SASSCAL (Phase 1) ?
Subproject 038 Forest regeneration, growth, threats and trends in different forest types ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Category thesis ?
Geographic Location
Geographic Description Namibia ?
Metadata Contact Person De Cauwer, Vera, Dr ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2019-10-02 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_6634 (Link)