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Landscape incision processes favour bush encroachment over open grasslands in the two extremes of soil moisture balance in arid zones across southern Africa and Australia

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Title Landscape incision processes favour bush encroachment over open grasslands in the two extremes of soil moisture balance in arid zones across southern Africa and Australia ?
Author Hugh Pringle, Ibo Zimmermann, Kuniberth Shamathe, Colin Nott, Ken Tinley ?
Abstract Different plant forms compete for limited resources andvarious factors influence outcomes. Usually overlooked, thephysical environment, particularly the soil profile, is not onlya key factor, but also a dynamic one. That is, the edaphicenvironment in which plants are rooted cannot be mappedonce and then taken as “covered”. Soils are essentiallybiologically modified sediments and remain in a state of fluxin terms of physical earth processes (erosion, transportationand deposition). These processes fundamentally controlconditions for plant growth, principally through control of SoilMoisture Balance (SMB). We describe two extremes of SMBand how incision processes are required to allow establishmentof woody plants in what are naturally grasslands or similar.The physical landscape process (incision) is the same in bothcases, but the enabling factor in terms of SMB is exactly theopposite for establishment of woody plants. This stark contrastunderlines the need for ecologists to be landscape or “terrain”literate in order to understand the conventional “bio-centric”factors in their physical earth surface context. In other words,the stage in which biological interactions occur, is not static;rather it is part of the unfolding drama that is ecology. ?
Document Reference Date Type publication ?
Date 2013-12-31 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Associated project SASSCAL (Phase 1) ?
Subproject 041 Landscape literacy ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Category publication ?
Geographic Location
Geographic Description Namibia ?
Metadata Contact Person Zimmermann, Ibo, Dr ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2019-10-08 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_6646 (Link)