Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
SASSCAL Data and Information Portal
Open Data and Information on Climate Change and Adapted Land Management in Southern Africa

Daily Rainfall of 2022 for southern Africa (Map of the Month)

Map Map

Title Daily Rainfall of 2022 for southern Africa (Map of the Month) ?
Author SASSCAL ?
Abstract The Simple Precipitation Intensity Index (SDII) represents the average daily rainfall for days with daily rainfall equal to or more than one mm of rainfall (2001 WMO). The SDII is a climate change indicator for the wet season of a year. The analysis of the average daily SDII (mm) for 2022 suggests that the average daily rainfall for Namibia, South Africa and Zambia was above average, while the average daily SDII for Zimbabwe was below average. Angola and Botswana's average daily SDII was normal, if compared to the historic average SDII, from 1981 to 2021. ?
Document Reference Date Type publication ?
Date 2023-10-02 ?
Language English ?
Online Linkage ?
Dataset Classification
Type PDF ?
Category publication ?
Geographic Location
Study site SADC (Southern African Development Community) ?
Metadata Contact Person Thompson, Sylvia ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2024-02-16 ?
Internal identifier sdp_doc_documents_7458 (Link)