Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
SASSCAL Data and Information Portal
Open Data and Information on Climate Change and Adapted Land Management in Southern Africa

2022/23 Percentage (%) of the average precipitation for Africa

Dataset Title 2022/23 Percentage (%) of the average precipitation for Africa ?
Abstract The precipitation anomaly for Africa for the 2022/23 rainfall season is expressed as the percentage (%) of the average precipitation from 1981/82 to 2021/22. ?
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere ?
Data Quality
Lineage Statement The average long-term annual and 2022/23 precipitation were derived from CHIRPS 2.0 precipitation data, a 0.05 degree satellite-based precipitation product. CHIRPS 2.0 rainfall data is presented in mm rainfall. ?
Dataset Description
Dataset Contact Person or Dataset Contact Organisation SASSCAL - Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management ?
Dataset Date Type publication ?
Dataset Reference Date 2023-11-01 ?
Dataset Language English ?
Dataset Character Set utf7 ?
Dataset Online Linkage no Online Linkage ?
Dataset Format Shape ?
Dataset Scope dataset ?
Dataset Status completed ?
Geographic Location
Geographic Description Africa ?
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Representation Type vector ?
Equivalent Scale -1 ?
Coordinate System
EPSG WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Temporal Extent
Begin 1981-10-01 ?
End 2023-09-30 ?
Additional Extent Information
Vertical Datum WGS84 ?
Metadata Contact Person Thompson, Sylvia ?
Metadata Language English ?
Metadata Character Set utf8 ?
Metadata Standard Name ISO/DIS 19115 for Geographic information-Metadata /RBIS ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2024-02-20 ?
Internal identifier sdp_geodata_7461 (Link)