Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management BMBF
SASSCAL Data and Information Portal
Open Data and Information on Climate Change and Adapted Land Management in Southern Africa


Map Map

Dataset Title GEORGE (WMO) ?
Dataset Description None ?
TS Information
Start 1976-03-02 ?
End 2024-06-13 ?
Value for Missing Data 9999.9 ?
Time Step daily ?
Station Details
Name GEORGE (WMO)\r\n ?
Type climate station (WMO) ?
Identifier WMO/DATSAV3:688280 ?
Easting/x/Longitude 22.378889 ?
Northing/y/Latitude -34.005553 ?
Spatial Reference System WGS 84 (lat/long) ?
Elevation (m) 197.51 ?
Country ?
Metadata Date Stamp 2020-07-30 ?
Internal identifier sdp_ts_timeseries_6798 (Link)